Mathieu Besançon

Results 277 comments of Mathieu Besançon

the shown lines should be printed when the tests are run, they are not necessary to add in other tests

Hi, sorry my bad, it should be: ``` using SCIP_jll, SCIP_PaPILO_jll @show(@eval(SCIP, libscip) == SCIP_jll.libscip) @show(SCIP_PaPILO_jll.is_available() && @eval(SCIP, libscip) == SCIP_PaPILO_jll.libscip) @show(@eval(SCIP, libscip)) ```

as indicated, the automatic JLL package does not work on windows for now, this is a known issue, the instructions are similar to that one: See that part...

you need to install SCIP (like you did) but then you need to follow the instructions to build SCIP with it, with SCIPOPTDIR as environment variable

did you build SCIP? It should then pick up the SCIPOPTDIR environment variable

Once you do this, `@eval SCIP libscip` should give you the path to your SCIP installation

> There are only two elements libscip.dll and scip.exe but no scip.dll yes `libscip.dll` is the expected file

again, what does `@eval SCIP libscip` print? If you build SCIP after setting the environment variable, this should be picked up and used

perfect thank you, I hadn't grasped the difference between the two libraries. Can we transfer this issue to good-lp to keep track of it?