Mathieu Besançon

Results 277 comments of Mathieu Besançon

I believe the parameter used to allow concurrent solve is TPI=tinycthreads @ambros-gleixner can you confirm? The docs on this is very sparse

=none sadly for now, we'll try tny for the next release. For now you should compile SCIP yourself and build as instructed on the readme On Thu, Sep 29, 2022,...

Sure: ```julia ~ ⌚ 16:38:35 $ julia _ _ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: (_) | (_) (_) | _ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help,...

First thing would be to compile SCIP with the suitable options. Second would be to modify slightly the optimize! function to call SCIPsolveConcurrent instead of SCIPsolve here: ```julia function MOI.optimize!(o::Optimizer)...

PS: up to date documentation page is here:

I'll close this one for which is similar.

To keep track of the progress here, most of the announced ones are done, what would be missing is a more MOI-like way of doing it with abstract submittables or...

thanks both for reporting. Did you install SCIP separately? As indicated in the README, the BinaryBuilder automatic SCIP build is still buggy for unidentified reasons

when you run tests, what are the first lines that appear, the line containing: ``` @show(@eval(SCIP, libscip) == SCIP_jll.libscip) @show(SCIP_PaPILO_jll.is_available() && @eval(SCIP, libscip) == SCIP_PaPILO_jll.libscip) ```