**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** [Warn in dev mode when script tags are added with next/head]( Using `script` in `Head` is incompatible with the new...
The CI files and others seem to follow the LTS, but it was unclear.
## Description In order for caching to work efficiently, clients should use the same URLs; if the App and Web refer to the same resources, but the order of the...
### Before opening, please confirm: - [X] I have [searched for duplicate or closed issues]( and [discussions]( - [X] I have read the guide for [submitting bug reports]( - [X]...
## What are the steps to reproduce this issue? 1. Check samples using axios 2. these samples use axios cancelToken 3. … ## What happens? cancelToken is deprecated ##...
### Dependencies check up - [X] I have verified that I use latest version of all @mantine/* packages ### What version of @mantine/* packages do you have in package.json? 7.13.2...