Mat M
Mat M
Thanks for this. I will have a look.
@kdeldycke Can you provide the expected workflow for plugin creation in the new org ? ty
I think the best way is to add a GitLabDomain setting to identify the custom URL as a GitLab one and not a GitHub one.
Rolling back from 2.9.18 to 2.9.15 fixes it for me.
@justinmayer : @axilleas upgraded to Pelican 4.7 4 months ago: I guess you can close this issue.
Current one for me: ``` ➜ ls -l /tmp/backintime.lock -rw-rw-rw- 1 mm mm 0 déc. 20 01:35 /tmp/backintime.lock ```
@buhtzz Glad a new team is coming ! Thanks so much for this ! I worked it around by using root everywhere (not ideal, though). Also, maybe the lock name...
+1 : french keyboards also. Either make it changeable or set it to a value reachable on most keyboards. If you prefer a symbol for this, comma, semi-colon or exclamation...
@MESWEB : explain us how to map mail address to website. If I send a mail from [email protected], I prefer the mail client to use my avatar from gravatar rather...