
Results 26 comments of yhx

rebased. @Zakelly Could you also help to take a look ? Thanks a lot!

> Thanks @masteryhx for the contribution! > > I didn't finish the review, and left some minor comments. Please take a look in your free time, thanks~ Thanks a lot...

> Hi @masteryhx , thanks for the contribution and update! > > I have reviewed this PR and left some comments. Please take a look in your free time, thanks~...

> Hi @masteryhx , sorry for the late reply! > > After reading your PR, I finally figured out why the default implementation of old method and new method should...

@1996fanrui @Zakelly Thanks for the review. I have updated remaining minor comments. The failed CI about python occurs from yesterday (see other [failed cases](https://dev.azure.com/apache-flink/apache-flink/_build?definitionId=2&_a=summary)) which is not related to this...

Thanks all for the detailed review. Please let me know if any other comments. I will merge it if no other comments beyond two days from now on.