Shaig Khaligli
Shaig Khaligli
Same issue
Hi guys, I'm not sure if below issue is related to this [issue]( or not, anyways I wrote, please tell me if I've to create a separate issue for this...
Same issue: [Enter steps to reproduce:] 1. Start Atom 2. Error is thrown Atom: 1.55.0 Electron: 6.1.12 Node: v12.4.0 OS: Mac OS X 11.2.3 Thrown From: node-debugger package 1.10.1 ```...
Same issue as @Nik1192, anyone fixed ?
I did same as in example project but I've the same issue: `Uncaught TypeError: yl.registerForwardHandler is not a function`
For me removing `'--single-process',` from `args` fixed the issue ``` puppeteerOptions: { headless: true, args: [ // '--single-process', ], } ```