
Results 7 comments of masterofdaemon

`client.connect({ host: '', port: 45560, id:'[email protected]', password:require('crypto').createHash('sha256').update('x').digest('hex') }).then(function(socket) { console.log('Connected! subscribing'); socket.stratumSubscribe(); });` And i get: > [Error: Stratum request without method or result field]

now I get this from the pool(onmine): `{"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":null,"result":{"status":"OK"}}` And i don't know what to do next, can you show me how to chat with pool, some example?

and this methods are undefined: ` setupNavigation("splash") { splashScreen() }` even after success rebuild

maybe i need to make it before action ?

Hello, i can't change text color in TogiCodeDialog (phoneCode), i can't pass my material Thame bacause i'm using material 3