
Results 49 issues of Kain

otherwise custom values will not be picked up by Flux/Helm


I have this guard ``` guard("unit-test", run_on_start: false) |> command("mix test --color") |> watch(~r{\.(erl|ex|exs|eex|xrl|yrl)\z}i) |> ignore(~r{deps}) |> notification(:auto) ``` I'd like to run only the specs of the file I...

hello, I'm running gotty in a kubernetes container with this entrypoint ``` #!/bin/bash PARAMS="--permit-write" gotty $PARAMS /bin/bash ``` I have two questions: - scrollback seems limited, any way to increase...

``` Step 3/22 : RUN go get github.com/yudai/gotty -- 124 | ---> Running in a22c958fbcb4 125 | go: downloading github.com/yudai/gotty v1.0.1 126 | go: downloading github.com/kr/pty v1.1.8 127 | go:...

Two examples: ``` json.should match %r{^\{"user":\{} json.should match %r{"attr":#{@user.attr}} ``` It should be noted that the latter won't break if the use "", i.e. json.should match %r{"attr":"#{@user.attr}"}

I have a rails 6.1 app, with factory_bot, doorkeeper and a factory such as ``` FactoryBot.define do factory :application, class: 'Doorkeeper::Application' do name { 'oauth client app' } redirect_uri {...

### Describe the bug today on one of my clusters (EKS) I've seen this during an upgrade from `v0.31.1`: ``` ✔ cloned repository ► generating component manifests ✔ generated component...

I have no idea how to reproduce this but I have a pretty basic Rails app, connected to a postgres. occasionally during normal development the database cannot be found,...

https://github.com/railsjedi/rails_config/blob/master/spec/fixtures/custom_types/hash.yml It would be beneficial to mention this kind of structure in the README
