
Results 60 comments of Kain

I have the same problem with `ingress-nginx` chart , `drone-runner-kube` and `cert-manager` hundreds of revisions are being created at the moment. ``` spec: releaseName: ingress-nginx chart: repository: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx name: ingress-nginx...

the helm operator nginx logs doesn't say anything, just that the resources are being recreated, log attached [flux-helm-operator-5f77c454b6-94nfn-1608403896342881000.log](https://github.com/fluxcd/helm-operator/files/5719998/flux-helm-operator-5f77c454b6-94nfn-1608403896342881000.log)

I think it might have something to do with an old CRD perhaps? I uninstalled helm-operator, removed the CRD, performed a fresh install and I can't see the problem anymore....

Testing will require some time since it appears to be random but after commenting this option in `config/development.rb`: `config.action_view.annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames = true` I was not able to reproduce the database error,...

I have an issue with the code proposed in the readme in a vanilla rails 7 app https://github.com/omniauth/omniauth#rails-without-devise I hit `` and this is the form: ``` Login with Developer...

I proposed some further changes in the linked PR above, also putting back a `skip_before_action` that was there before the rewrite

yeah that seems weird, however, if it may help at all, I've found the ruby 2.6.x series very stable across a large number of apps I have deployed, might be...

``` config.project_id = 1 # required, but any positive integer works ```