Hi, I have a similar request: I would like to use FLAOM with a Ouster OS0-64 dataset. I can see there are some hard coded angles here: which seem...
Hello @wh200720041 thank you for your tips. I have followed your advice and replaced the above lines in laserProcessingClass.cpp for use with my Ouster OS0-64, which is configured for uniform...
Hi, here is a quick update. I managed to get this to work perfectly with data from my Ouster OS0-64. In case someone else is looking for a solution, please...
Not sure if I understand your question. One of the features of F-LOAM is that it doesn't require an IMU, am I wrong?
Hi @gglaspell Check out the patch I posted above for the OS0-64. You will have to modify the values as the OS1 has different vertical opening angles.
Hey @JanQuenzel I am also facing issues with queues filling up with my Ouster OS0-64. Have you implemented the changes you suggested yet by any chance? Cheers
OK I just saw commit [5f592a2106400b775e00ed2d04af177af973b1d9]( in your forked floam repo. I'll check it out :-)
Thanks for your reply Jan, refershing the baseUrls of the whole queue sounds like a good idea i have not thought of yet. I think I might give it a...