Hey there, I have some spool that are more than empty and I think what to do with them... It would be interesting to archive them to see if the...
Hey there, you have a temp offset for the filament already, but a temp offset for the bed would be great. I currently have a filament where I have to...
No url found: Humble PC Android Bundle 12/Costume Quest No url found: Humble Bundle - PC and Android 8/Jack Lumber No url found: Humble Bundle - PC and Android 8/AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA...
Ich würde ein Minimum Size für Dateien vorschlagen. Aktuell habe ich ein Problem mit intro movies der space cowbys. Das ist richtiger benannt und sickbeard stürzt sich drauf. Finde leider...
### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a group folder 2. create and change files in it 3. no versioning is done 4. "normal" files are versioned, group folder files seem...
I wanted to create some chd files and it showed up that ._name_here.cue files are processed. that should not be done, they should be ignored.
I just did try your app a bit. I did work on a folder with a media folder in it. it looked for me, that the .png, .jpg, .pdf were...