Daniel Korbel

Results 16 comments of Daniel Korbel

I've noticed that `AbstractIconButton` has parameter icon `private MaterialIcon icon = new MaterialIcon();` and also implements interfejs `HasIcon`: ``` public abstract class AbstractIconButton extends AbstractButton implements HasIcon { ``` which...

I think the simplest will be use only of enum `IconType` and widget should internally create `MaterialIcon`. `MaterialIcon` should be completely hidden for end user. End user should only use...

It is hard to speculate, cause this issue affect a lot of widgets. But it have to be standardized across whole sources.

Yes. This is still an issue with gmd.

It doesn't work on `Red Hat JBoss EAP 7.0`.

Same on wildfy: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1161910/20939002/70a4ee92-bbed-11e6-99db-5246fc2758f8.png) Web server starts but SDM not.

Ok. It works. I just forgot to check sync option in gwt facet tab in project properties. I've made even a screen cast for newbies (like me few days ago):...

You can share this video on Your page.

"exploded war directory (war output path) to the server runtime." What do You mean by that? I've tried yesterday. But I was getting 404 on gwt js *nocache.js file. Should...

my happines was to fast. I've tested tutorial project: https://github.com/errai/errai-tutorial and it runs and deploy nicely, but unfortunatelly that is is. After refreshing page there are no changes visible.