Can you provide the weight? I would like to know the miou of the seed cam and the miou of the seed cam + CRF for your model on the...
“we use batch normalization instead of layer normalization as we found batch normalization gains more for the segmentation performance.” I can not understand why,I think maybe it is because you...
labels_camp = torch.from_numpy(labels_camp).permute([0,3,1,2]) 请问为什么gts变量(1,512,512)在进入tensorboard_label后不应该有四维,请问是label的格式错误了么? 我下载的就是md里面要求的Aug
from .contrast_model.unet import build_model as UNET from .contrast_model.unet_multi import build_model as UNETMULTI from .contrast_model.mcsr import build_model as MCSR from .contrast_model.edsr import build_model as EDSR ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'models.contrast_model' I...