Massimo Donati

Results 9 issues of Massimo Donati

Hello, I'm trying to use this controller but on a Bar button item I can't figure out how to show the menu without having my app to crash. The "Menu"...

[UIColor colorWithRed:108/255.f green:108/255.f blue:108/255.f alpha:1.f];

![screen shot 2014-05-29 at 1 00 36 pm]( ``` RDVCalendarView* calendarView = [[RDVCalendarView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; [calendarView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight]; [calendarView setSeparatorStyle:RDVCalendarViewDayCellSeparatorTypeBoth]; [calendarView setDelegate:self]; [calendarView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor yellowColor]]; [calendarView setWeekDayHeight:0]; ``` ``` -(CGFloat)heightForDayCellInCalendarView:(RDVCalendarView *)calendarView...

Could I use iOS plot for realtime (30 redraws per second)?

![screen shot 2014-12-11 at 12 44 35 am](

I'm not sure what should I add on my Package.swift file because XCode says no such module MongoDriver. I tried to add mongokitten's and this git repo without luck. Thanks...

![68747470733a2f2f7261772e6769746875622e636f6d2f726e797374726f6d2f524e46726f737465644d656e752f6d61737465722f696d616765732f636c69636b2e676966]( I followed your steps: ``` -(RNFrostedSidebar *) sideBar { if (!_sideBar) { _indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:1]; _images = @[[UIImage imageNamed:@"fixing_tools"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"red_cross"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"settings"], ]; _colors = @[[UIColor greenColor],...