Masroor Ehsan

Results 7 comments of Masroor Ehsan

Not usable in typescript. Any updates?

Thanks to spammers, SMTP commands like VRFY and EXPN are disabled by default by most sysadmins. Or these commands do not give out any definitive result ("cannot vrfy user, but...

If your controller methods need static parameters, then you may rethink your code design. The default router is optimized for capturing user-supplied dynamic inputs.

I don't think libcurl supports that. What are you trying to achieve by reordering HTTP headers?

Currently `curl_multi_setopt` only supports [CURLMOPT_PIPELINING]( Is there any specific `CURLMOPT_` you'd like to add?

My issues arose from a particular site blacklisting my scraper based on `selenium-wire`. But the IP addresses were and not banned (I can still access the site using those proxy...

You can ignore [eac7bd5]( ... my bad.. (since the original package had not been updated, I had to create a private package repo for a PHP 8.2 project I had...