
Results 6 comments of masoudk2000

@Milad-Akarie Yes. I want to close my app. But if you notice, I exit twice to close the program. But after closing the program, you will see that another page...

@Milad-Akarie No. When I exit the app, another home page is open behind the app. It looks like the app has been run twice.

@Milad-Akarie @MaterialAutoRouter( routes: [ CupertinoRoute(page: SplashPage, path: 'splash', initial: true), CupertinoRoute( page: DashboardPage, path: 'dashboard', children: [ AutoRoute( page: EmptyRouterPage, name: 'HomeTab', path: 'home', children: [ AutoRoute( path: '', page:...

return MaterialApp.router( routeInformationParser: router.defaultRouteParser(), debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, title: 'common.app_name'.tr(), theme: theme, routerDelegate: router.delegate(), /// Localization Part locale: Locale(currentLocale.languageCode.split('_').first), supportedLocales: locales, localizationsDelegates: delegates, );

AutoTabsScaffold( lazyLoad: false, routes: const [ HomeTab(), CourseListTab(), PostTab(), ProfileTab() ], builder: (context, child, animation) => BlocListener( listener: (context, state) => state.maybeWhen( orElse: () => null, downloadStarted: (_, __) =>...

@Milad-Akarie Were you able to find the problem? I really got into trouble