Results 10 comments of 'Mash

I can confirm that if you toggle the stumpwm modeline the polybar appears.

A lot of discussion here: I am going to downgrade for now... `npm install -s node-fetch@2`

You can replace `node-fetch` with `isomorphic-fetch`. Then in your code use... ```const fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch');```

Adding a thumbs up on this feature request.

I have the same issue. All files are created but get "Invalid file provided" when syncing and "db error" when trying to capture.

Genius! Thanks, I don't know why I never thought of that.

Anyone ever found out what's causing this?

Sorry for dragging up an old issue, but not sure how to get this to work? I added @bhyde's code to my startup, and enabled `impatient-mode` on a `.org` file...

OK seems `org-export-as-html` needs to be changed to `org-html-export-as-html`. Unfortunately now getting a `Process 'org-export-process' exited abnormally` error in `*Messages*` and no output.