+1 for needing a permanent fix for this.
I have a couple of these sensors and am so glad there is active word to support them in dino! One question about this patch though - all the examples...
After a bit more research, I saw you can enable "single pin" mode of the HC-SR04 by putting a 1.8k resistor between Trig and Echo and connecting the arduino to...
Ah yes, I used to have a Ping)) but not anymore. I have the actual HC-SR04, which has 4 pins, instead of 3. I added a 2k resistor and its...
How is this still a thing over 4 years later! Come on guys!
> > How is this still a thing over 4 years later! Come on guys! > > @machadolab Feel free to make a PR. There are a plenty of PRs,...
This PR fixed my issues as well. Highly suggest merging! CLion and Arduino is a very powerful combo!
Same problem :/
Got it working using @rjuang's fork. Thanks!!
I'm seeing the same for BUSD to ETH. It wants to route BUSD -> WBNB -> ETH when there is a BUSD/ETH LP with $1.9M USD worth of liquidity in...