I think, #38 is same problem. Somewhere along the line, the RGB order of the images must have changed. (for example RGB to BGR...). But I don't know at what...
OK, Color problem is software bug. Orange change to blue. But it is not a problem for agent training. I will solve this problem. In addition I think your VAE...
I checked my VAE model, So, I found a error. VAE class modify below code. ignore F.softplus. ``` def bottleneck(self, h): mu, logvar = self.fc1(h), self.fc2(h)#F.softplus(self.fc2(h)) z = self.reparameterize(mu, logvar)...
Fix visualize reconstruction image color bug in vae_viwer.ipynb at release 1.6.0.
Great works! This video indicate that software is fine works. I think v1.6.0 resolve a problem what VAE model for Waveshare course. How much spent time for agent learning ?
Very good result ! Now, I'm implementing auto stop function for v1.7.0. This function don't need to observed course out for stop agent by human.
learning_racer container mount /home/jetbot as /workspace. Therefor, the container is not include datafolder. Other container that provide from NVIDIA is same state. Please see