I was wondering why your date contains slashes. Seems like the date from trade republic is different depending on your locale. I guess you use English locale. But I found...
Interesting. My files all use `:` instead of `/`
pytr uses pathvalidate to sanitize the file path. It is currently set to auto, which means that the validation depends on the platform pytr is running on. I will make...
Yes, I'm working on a fix
What would be the advantage of that? You already have all the files downloaded and sorted into folders.
I made a backup in TWRP then i wiped userdata and then restored the backup. But it's only a bad workaround.
> That being said, I didn't look into its code, but there shouldn't be a reason for the thumbnail script to not work with uosc. I suspect it stops being...
I fixed this issue in my fork This repo had no new commits since Jan 2020
In v0.22 it was also buggy but sometimes it worked. I didn't look more into it. But it would be nice if in the future the first available device is...
Same here. The problem appeared between Users that login the first time with SSO get this error: ```json {"message":"Unauthorized","status":403} ```