
Results 11 issues of marzent

This adds a new class `IndexedZiPatchIndexLocalInstaller` and fixes an issue where the patch index files were not being read correctly on non-windows platforms.


Completely removes and replaces Newtonsoft.Json Everything should be functionally equivalent, except for `Headlines` deserialization, which works, but is not a 1:1 translation of the old options. The remote patcher RPC...

This contains only the part of that makes `DllInject` block correctly on startup instead of silently failing to do so.

This doesn't have any functional impact on entrypoint. For the legacy dll injection method, this suspends the main thread for a tiny while after the game window is created, but...

This eats up any `EXCEPTION_WINE_ASSERTION`s (or really any SEH exception, didn't bother to write a filter here and overcomplicate things) that can come up with certain wine versions when parsing...

Identical to, but mergeable with the current master branch.

This fixes ``` System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Dalamud.Game.Framework.HandleFrameworkUpdate(IntPtr framework) in C:\goatsoft\companysecrets\dalamud\Game\Framework.cs:line 456 ``` which seemed to happen semi-reliably for some wine users. works just fine itself on wine-mono, however it is nearly useless without enabling add-ons inside it which is correctly broken since wine-mono does not load any plug-in dlls it...

Fixes and partially addresses When using a separate render thread the modified events here are now properly run on the main thread (wheres it was undefined behaviour/asserting before)


This uses MinHook for the Addon Hooks, as there seems to be a race with Reloaded somewhere that leads to execution of random code after a while. Also makes `DALAMUD_LEGACY_CORRUPTED_STATE_EXCEPTION`...