Taiki Suzuki

Results 9 issues of Taiki Suzuki

Hi, @tailec ViewModel has a reference of abstracted ViewController as Delegate in [mvvm-delegation](https://github.com/tailec/ios-architecture/tree/master/mvvm-delegates#mvvm-delegation). It means that is not MVVM, actually that is MVP. @amadeu01 mentioned in https://github.com/tailec/ios-architecture/pull/2#issuecomment-459971301 , too. I...


The source code generated by `kspCommonMainMetadata` from `/build/generated/ksp/metadata/commonMain/kotlin` was being set as the `srcDir` for the `iosMain` source set. However, this setup resulted in errors when using Gradle 8. As...

[This line](https://github.com/rinov/Gryphon/blob/swift3/Gryphon/Task.swift#L69) is captured `self`. But using `[weak self]` in this line might be always nil because Task is not hold in any object. So this library needs Task Manager...