Ivan Marton
Ivan Marton
We are using Terraformer to have a snapshot of our current OpenStack infrastructure in Terraform format and an automated job keeps it up to date. We've realized that the in...
The patch adds the IPv4 address to the host name if connected via SSH. By default, the related SPACESHIP_HOST_SHOW_IP variable is `false` and acts as before. If the variable is...
#### Description As it was requested in on of the oldest feature requests, some may prefer to use the prompt with non-bold fonts. The default look and feel was not...
I - and may others - need a feature to reuse the existing private keys, for example for use-cases where the private keys are also centrally managed and distributed. I...
2024-03-25 09:59:06 INFO It could take a while if the repository is remote. 2024-03-25 09:59:59 ERROR Unable to collect metrics from Restic. Error: Error executing restic snapshot command. Exit code:...
Since the ansible.builtin.include module has been removed from Ansible 2.16, the best fitting alternative for the usecase in this role is `import_tasks`. https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/5/collections/ansible/builtin/include_module.html
I'm using substitute with neovim 0.10.1 configured by nixvim. I'm receiving the following error after substituting anything with the plugin. ```Error: E5108: Error executing lua ...imPackages/start/vimplugin-substitute/lua/substitute.lua:54: attempt to index field...