Hello .katex-display > .katex { height: auto; overflow: hidden; overflow-x: auto; } .katex-display>.katex>.katex-html>.tag { position: relative; right: 0; } worked for me fine with scroll bars.
you could load the file via python library trimesh and then use the function and then convert trimesh to pytorch3d mesh
would be awesome to have the option to change when this extension should be active.:)) - i personaly would love to have latex comments in c++ or python. other...
Hi a quick and easy solution is .katex-display { overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: visible; } this will make a horizontal scroll bar visible if the contents of katex-display gets to large...
Its also a bit strange that there is no regulation in which frequence the frames are put into the buffer. so accuracy changes depending on how fast or slow the...
`Does the trick 1.2 itallian looking content ` Does the trick 1.2 itallian looking content i also programmed a compiler from latex to distill which does this automatically
I really Don t know cause I am not involved at all. But the journal paused so I guess not so much. But i personally seperatly write on some stuff...
Hi distill uses katex and you can do equation numbering in katex by using its tag functionality - so \tag{14} f(x) = x*2 should work - i also programmed a...
what smoothness requirements are on the function f for this method to work?