Martin Nabhan(ナブハンマーティン)
Martin Nabhan(ナブハンマーティン)
Same issue here using Nginx.
Same issue here. This is super annoying as it forces you to specify filetype(s), while using . automatically only includes supported filetypes.
Hey everyone. `amp-context` and `head-manager-context` are imported dynamically by `next/head`, which means they won't be properly included in the Netlify function. We can force them to be added by using...
You need to add the correct path to `includes_files`. Since you're using a monorepo I guess you have multiple `node_modules` folders, so you have to add the path to the...
Same problem here, it worked fine with - graphql-middleware 6.1.9 - graphql-shield 7.5.0 - next 11.1.2 but after upgrading to next 12 we get the same above error. Downgrading graphql-middleware...
This is happening to us too which unfortunately means we can't cache some commands. For some reason we get the `outputs already on disk` message even if the inputs are...