Martín Mestre Citrinovitz
Martín Mestre Citrinovitz
Hello Adrian, thank you very much for your code for parallel computing. I would like to use it to change easily between my PC and the server. I must have...
Hi Martin @visr, I would like to know if it is possible to merge a CVS file which contains two columns: e.g. "common" and "extra", into a shapefile that contains...
Hello, I would be gratefull for any help to solve the problems that came out with the nosetest. I followed the instructions creating a separate conda environment. I have attached...
Hello, thank you for this great package. I am using the `:thread` option and running the code as `julia --threads 8.` The code keeps working serial. Here is my code:...
Hi, I would like to know if the NLopt NelderMead algorithm called from GalacticOptim.jl can use bounds as kwargs. In the past it was possible but now it is not...
Hello, I have tracked the source of the error to the following: Julia tries to install CondaPkg. The thing is that I do not use CondaPkg as I have set...
Hi, thank you for your package which is allowing me to run in slurm cluster. I would like to change the default value of that env variable. I have tried...
Hi, I would really appreciate an example on this. Thanks.
Hi @evetion: I have run the example commands in the README file from a Jupyter notebook that accepts Julia. When I run: df ="test_points.shp") I obtain a similar table...
Hello, I am trying to perform this example: but there is an error that I have tracked to CSV version. According to Julia Discourse, I should update to a...