Martin Larsson
Martin Larsson
A minimal working example is simply ```julia using JSON JSON.parse("") ``` ``` ERROR: Unexpected end of input Line: 0 Around: ...... ^ ``` `JSON.parse("5")`, `JSON.parse("[5]")`, `JSON.parse("[]")`, `JSON.parse("{}")` and similar inputs...
I was too hasty with commenting. An empty string is **not** valid JSON and the current behavior seems to be correct. My bad.
Ahh, makes sense I suppose. Thanks!
Hi @sumiya11, the reason I asked was that I'm currently using Oscar.jl, but it's quite a large package and also doesn't work on Windows (except WSL). Another option for me...
Sweet! You were super fast with this. Thanks a lot!
I'm experimenting with developing a Julia package for solving polynomial equation systems. It uses Gröbner basis methods to reduce a system to an eigendecomposition problem. In any case, there is...
The method is used for producing a solver for a _family_ of polynomial systems. For every instance of this family, one could in principle produce multiplication matrices and find the...