Martin Hebnes Pedersen

Results 150 comments of Martin Hebnes Pedersen

@DougCollinge - Any chance you're interested in working more on this PR? 🙂

Sure, please send us a PR and we can review the changes and discuss this further 🙂 Thanks!

This was included in the v0.13.0 release 🎉

Thanks for helping out Joshua 👍 You need to clone the repo to $GOPATH/src/github/la5nta/pat to resolve those errors. You'll find instructions on how to build on the [wiki (Building from...

Regarding the "Aliases" menu: This is a feature where users can add their favorite nodes in the config file for easier access. The "telnet" alias is simply the configuration needed...

Thank you for providing screenshots @DC7IA 😄 I see what you mean regarding more icons, if we do decide to flatten the menu. What really concerns me is how this...

Aah, thanks! I've forgotten how responsive that navbar is 😆 I think this looks promising. If we could add some icons for the mailboxes, and/or do something to visualize the...

Thanks for the screenshots @DC7IA, I think these provide a decent overview of the proposed change 👍 I'm not sure I agree with you regarding the right alignment of actions...

👍 How about some sort of middleway here? Move the more commonly used actions out to the navbar (possibly only *Connect...*), but keep the "actions" dropdown for less used actions...