Martin Hebnes Pedersen

Results 150 comments of Martin Hebnes Pedersen

Hi, this is the dreaded Notarization Requirement that Apple introduced with macOS Catalina. I don't know if it is possible to configure macOS to ignore this requirement for some...

Just to clarify: The requirement is that the Installer package (pkg) is notarized, but that's just temporary as Apple is soon going to require all binaries to be notarized and...

Excellent! Thank you πŸ‘ I'll leave this one open. Hopefully we can provide properly signed binaries for macOS in the future.

Starting with v0.12.0 I think we should stop signing the macOS pkg. It looks like this workaround that @DC7IA added to the FAQ works regardless of pkg signing. So it...

Hi Will! > When this happens, some (many?) RMS stations will attempt to automatically re-establish and resume the message transfer. Pat can be configured to listen on AX.25 for connection...

Thanks for reporting this πŸ™‚ We're missing an input field for the axport part of the ax25:// scheme. This is why this part (fsk96) of the URI is lost when...

Thanks for the detailed bug report @ggramaize πŸ™‚ Can you please confirm that both peers ran the same versions? Also, it would very helpful to know if this bug can...

I haven't read through the network traces yet, but I believe it will be very useful to determine the root cause πŸ‘ So again, thank you! πŸ₯‡

@ggramaize Were you able to reproduce with bw set to 500? Thanks πŸ™‚

I think you are on to something hereπŸ‘ Although it would be a more verbose config syntax,an ordered aliases list seems reasonable. I'm not sure I agree with the proposed...