Martin Heidegger
Martin Heidegger
I know that this is asking a lot but could you check other 5.x versions to see if it doesn't work on all of them?
@todef96 Node 5.0.0 is known to not work. They fixed a bug in 5.2.0 if I remember properly. _(Note: We need a module that knows which versions of Node dont...
Fixing it as we speak.
waiting on publishing of @rvagg
Continuing conversation here: _Yes,_ the tests obviously didn't cover this particular use-case before so it would be good to have a test-case covering this particular problem. The test cases are...
:scream: I only read the first part of your last comment. `.emit('fail', ...)` should work but currently doesn't - this is sort of okay - I need to fix this...
The last version working with marked was 0.3.12. I released 0.3.5 with the fixed marked version _(and other updated dependencies)_ as a quick-fix of the current situation. A PR with...
I had a talk with Jodok yesterday & it is indeed the case as far as I understood. think it would still be possible to implement it using a file-system...
SPA, MPA, SSG,... Seem to be mutually exclusive, but Progressive Enhancement, Streaming SSR and Incremental Static Generation are but techniques that could be available or not for all of them?!
@takuyaa I can not speak for others but I would like to send a new pull request and would like to contribute based on this typescript source code rather than...