martin frances

Results 36 issues of martin frances

Before I begin, I should note that the code quality of this module is high and I really like the attention to detail that is apparent in the test coverage....

I am measuring my progress in porting this module into rust by the amount to code coverage I see... That is compared to this module. It is a simple change...

This is a really minor issue... I can see that a test is duplicated first instance at line line 19, then repeated a line 61 I will generate a PR...

Looking at the bound checks of the form `if (x0 > x1)` in graticule.extentMinor() and graticle.extentMajor() would benifit some a simple extention to the unit testing. ``` graticule.extentMinor = function...

Just adding getter and setter test for graticule.precision().

My local mirror of this project receieves dependbot alerts and there is a high severity alert associated with our use of the tar package. To our project tar...

In my spare time I am porting this module over to rust ( rustlang ) so I can have a wasm binary that I run in the browser. As I...

I am slowly porting this module to rust... The process has been made easy by the code qualify of this module. 1) The tests are extensive. 2) The design is...

We are experiencing random test failings [random fail]( we developed a solution #565 The solution is to consistently apply our unspoken policy of use assert_relative_eq!() where possible. I am working...

I have listed below the output in response to initializing drupal. In another PR I mistakenly reported the "Unable to send email." error was new Tonight I looked back at...