joblib 0.13.2 python 3.7.3 I have similar warnings on MacOS. Are the results I obtain still good?
The matrix X can be given as a `sp.csr_matrix` object. See `example.ipynb` for more info.
Ok it appears that passing this `session_config` parameter does not do anything, at least, on my machine. So, it is not needed I was able to use `Parallel` in the...
I think that I solved all pep8 issues now.
Ok, if I will see if I get the time to adjust the way a measure is passed.
I finally resolved all the issues associated with including features. Here are my modifications: - add a method to Dataset to import user and item features; - modify Trainset, Testset...
@NicolasHug What do you think of my implementation? It appears that some tests need to be modified.
I am passing user/item features to the `predict` and `estimate` methods since it makes more sense (in my opinion) that the features are stored in the `testset` object. In this...
Ok, so I removed the features from the `Prediction` object. Do we want to merge this branch now or do we wait for at least an algorithm that supports features...
The features option already works with the cross validation iterators (to my knowledge).