Martin Burch
Martin Burch
I can't reproduce this error. Test code returns successfully, no errors. ``` $ composer require "jmikola/geojson=~1.0" ``` ```
Could you point me to the slow loop that's involved here? Is it clean() being invoked at ?
Yes, I think the line iteration in is where we can try applying the multiprocessing imap as discussed in slack.
Here's a big list of drug and medical device manufacturer corporation names: After @derekeder 's NICAR-L announcement, I ran all the names starting with "A" through the bulk parser...
So, the official_full name for House members must match Those entries are sometimes at odds with what the legislators have on their own sites. Compare: - Chuck Fleischmann
I don't understand the purpose of the sanity check against the Clerk site if that site is not the canonical source for name information. If official_full is going to remain...
On a related note, all the percentages seem off between the two charts.
Hi, I think I'm also affected by this problem. When I set incremental_strategy to insert_overwrite on my integer-partitioned model, I get this error: `Script expression exceeded evaluation limit of 1048576...
At first I thought I'd resolved my problem, but switching to array brackets creates a needless single-element array. ``` {colors} [.reds] crimson: #dc143c darkred: #8b0000 [] [.blues] cornflowerblue: #6495ed darkblue:...
The problem is that, when in an array, using {objectName} causes the parser to lose its index in the array and return to the root object. Using {.objectName} doesn't help....