Martin Bjeldbak Madsen

Results 10 comments of Martin Bjeldbak Madsen

Would this be worth adding as a feature in the template? Seems like this is a common thing to do

Just for good measure, `gem 'heroku_secrets', github: 'alexpeattie/heroku_secrets'` is shorter and equivalent.

I know this is years later - but in case anyone like me comes across this issue via google while trying to get namespaced controllers logged, this functionality was actually...

I am also experiencing this bug, except on Danish daylight savings time change on March 31st, 2019. I can confirm downgrading to `0.16.2` resolves this specific issue. It definitely seems...

I got this error on Heroku after updating to the [Heroku-18 Stack]( from the Heroku-16 stack. I tried solving it with the Apt buildpack ( since it seems there has...

Have you changed or updated the system in any way? This was directly related to a missing dependency on the Ubuntu 16.04 server.

Potential dupe of #1361

Correct @AmenitradieDruidin looks like no progress has been made on this so far

Closing as stale, though keen to add this, just not sure how to in a sustainable way

Duplicate of #53