Martin Tarjányi
Martin Tarjányi
@reta, I created a **[pull request](** for your branch to add support for base64 encoded string examples for byte and binary format. Please, consider including it. Thanks.
I don't need consistency/thread-safety across multiple `@ConfigurationProperties` beans (which the referenced issue is about if I understand correctly). I only need it internally for a single `@ConfigurationProperties` bean. > @RefreshScope...
I see. And do you have plan to add an async response transfomer which exposes the ByteBuffer publisher? I'm thinking about something like this: ```java public class ByteBufferSdkPublisherAsyncResponseTransformer implements AsyncResponseTransformer...
Sure. I have a text file in s3 which contains separate/individual data in each line like this: ``` useful information 1 useful information 2 useful information 3 ... ``` The...
It seems passing a list of `java.util.regex.Pattern` to the `$in` operator creates and executes the query as expected.
If the application is thin enough (e.g. CRUD), having separate data integration tests are not always worth the effort in my opinion. It's easier to test the app as a...
By workaround I meant that one can create `SingleQueryCountHolder` (for example as a Spring bean in tests), get the query count directly from there and assert it skipping using `SQLStatementCountValidator`....
I would like to write a macro to select a language (and format it according to that later). However, I'm not able to provide an input for this command automatically...