Martin Grigorov

Results 462 comments of Martin Grigorov

@rotty3000 Could you please review this PR ? Thanks in advance!

wicket-core/src/test/js/*\* cover only the .js files in -core. There are no _unit_ JS tests for -extensions module. In there are _functional_ tests though for some of the examples. There...

Please create a ticket in JIRA with a quickstart for the problem in autocomplete. I just checked the diff and I see that you actually modified wicket-ajax-jquery.js, not wicket-autocomplete.js. Changes...

bq. wicketFilter.setFilterPath("/") the path gets internally rewritten to "/" Is something missing here ? The values are the same - `"/"`, so I do not understand what is rewritten. Can...

How does the JSON string looks like ? The two setters are: ``` public ChartOptions setBackgroundColor(final Color color) { this.backgroundColor = new SimpleColor(color); return this; } public ChartOptions setBackgroundColor(final ColorReference...

Please paste the JSON string that use have used.

I think the desired behavior of using async client is to not block the application while writing to the external system (Kairos). A workaround at the moment is to make...

Yes, I've figured it already! Now I collect the data in a concurrent data structure and once in a while I create MetricBuilder, copy the data to it and then...

I've just found a workaround! ``` docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset --credential yes ``` `--credential yes` is the key. It would be nice to mention this in the...