Martín González Gómez

Results 16 comments of Martín González Gómez

@vasturiano Great find! Thanks, I'll try it. But I still think that it makes sense to have this force inside d3 in some form or another.

Nice, this is great news! I was afraid of you not wanting to introduce such a breaking change (which would be understandable). I'm in no rush, please take your time...

@sjwilliams did you have time to check? Maybe it is better to work on a branch and not make every change at once (bundler, es6, etc). I know it's a...

Curious to know if this has progressed in any way. @mbloch, did you have time to take a look?

Hi Brian, it is certainly possible and it would be nice to have the option upstream. I have done something like this in `generateOutputHtml`: ``` saveTextFile(htmlFileDestinationFolder + 'style.css', css); ```...

This is not addressed on the `README`, but if you look at the code there's an option to set the AWS region as `--bucket_region=YOUR_REGION`. In my case setting it to...

I opened this issue mainly because I created a new map class with Spain's municipalities. It's a huge map and it's much easier to look at the data and compare...

The zoom could be controlled with the mouse so the user can navigate freely over the map. Maybe someone is interested in watching the differences in a specific region, for...

TCBikes seems to be temporarily suspended and I can't find a public map for Mobicascais, only a locked-down app.

- bikebh recently switched to tembici which usually has GBFS feeds available. I can't find it for this one, though: - bike petrolina seems to have been shut down?...