Sebastian Nemeth

Results 29 comments of Sebastian Nemeth

Actually I suspect this is a problem with the Webstorm Deno plugin...

Hm... so like I said I'm not a deno expert, but the Deno tooling seems kind of sparse and inferior to the regular node/TS tooling. I've forked your repo and...

Hm... the thing is I also have other updates to Types etc, which I auto-generated from karabiner documentation / rules. It would be ideal to be able to keep rolling...

I think the difficulty with providing a comprehensive solution to this problem is that 'validation' can include custom validators that are async and can make requests to check validity. If...

I'm also experiencing this in cloud build... the image is large (the cached layers are 400mb in container registry), but every Full Snapshot after installing node_modules takes many minutes. Shouldn't...

I'm also in europe-north1... I know it's a long shot but... does it matter which region your container registry is in?

The layers that are being pushed by the long-running 'full snapshot' steps end up being quite small... 2MB, 100 bytes etc... That leads me to believe that it's the actual...

I think this setup has great potential as @gilamran says - the dev speed is amazing and dev speed is king. I'm going to try out this SystemJS Hot Loader...

> not sure what you mean in breaks editor exp You get the TS intellisense, but none for the actual CSS which you end up writing as strings. In practice,...