Xudong Sun
Xudong Sun
To make Sieve more generic, we should move the instrumentation on the state-centric APIs in controller-runtime to the rest APIs in client-go
We generate the cluster state history and final cluster state and build our general-purpose oracles (event-oracle and resource-oracle) on top of them. The general-purpose oracles simply compare the history (creation/deletion...
## Ergonomics There is a manual [porting process](https://github.com/sieve-project/sieve/blob/main/docs/port.md) to onboard a project to use Sieve. We hope to automate this step by integrating Sieve with existing frameworks like [operator-sdk](https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk) so...
Hi everyone, Thanks for building this awesome project. I am wondering is there any API for querying and reconfiguring the quorum membership of a ZK cluster? Like `zkCli.sh config` and...
### Describe the issue Hi FluentBit developers, thanks for building this awesome operator! I was following the [guide](https://github.com/kubesphere-sigs/fluent-operator-walkthrough/tree/master#using-fluent-bit-to-collect-k8s-application-logs-and-output-to-kafka-elasticsearch-and-loki) to set up fluentbit and stream logs to kafka. The operator bring...
As mentioned in #114 Need to investigate it later
### Description Hi, I am new to the operator and I am trying to deploy it on my laptop using kind. I believe the operator is running fine ``` ~$...