Michael Marrotte

Results 7 comments of Michael Marrotte

Bummer! I'm building with OpenResty and that seems to only go up to 1.11.2. Thanks for your comments. Looks like I'd need to build a custom OpenResty to get it...

Hi. Any updates on this one?

Same problem, newer version: //lib/firmware/nvidia/535.54.03/gsp_ga10x.bin Coder envbuilder has a workaround for ignore-paths https://github.com/coder/envbuilder/blob/8d3cfdffc3ab221a5d224418259128c46dd51a86/envbuilder.go#L544 But, after ignoring nvidia, I have to ignore /var/run and then this happens: Failed to build: error...

Try using the NVIDIA k8s device plugin (DaemonSet) and not a NVIDIA container image, e.g.: https://github.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/gpu-cluster?tabs=add-ubuntu-gpu-node-pool#nvidia-device-plugin-installation This is the recommended approach when using GPU-enabled node pools for Azure Linux.

@johnstcn I'm seeing the issue on: - K8s Rev: v1.27.7 - Node image: AKSUbuntu-2204gen2containerd-202401.09.0 - Plugin image: mcr.microsoft.com/oss/nvidia/k8s-device-plugin:1.11 - Pod image = "ghcr.io/coder/envbuilder:0.2.9"

@BrunoQuaresma I don't think I can test that as my envbuilder fails to build. I believe @nikawang either applied that fix to a envbuilder running container or the running container...