Marcelo Novaes

Results 32 comments of Marcelo Novaes

My take on the custom CSS to be a bit more "refined" on macOS and akin to Safari Reader/Books (IMO the best implementation of all browsers): ```CSS .sans-serif { font-family:...

More detailed info about the Big Sur issue:

Confirmed, fixed on macOS 11.1 beta 1 (20C5048k) and continues fixed on beta 2 (20C5061b).

@sn0wyfall similar issue here (same output), with a slight different experience: - Had it working on both macOS and Linux while connecting through a given USB hub (monitor -> DP...

> For now, I don't have a solution to improve the speed, unfortunately... Maybe add a config option to update rendering only every N ms? > So, at the end...

> Is it possible for the plugin to simply use a debounce method? As long as there has been input in the last 300ms ( or whatever configured value the...

What are the criteria for labeling something `beginner`?

> @marnovo @osanwe It should be friendly to people who have just started exploring MLonCode or do not want to spend much time in order to understand the paper. >...

@campoy I believe the point is that the paper is far from "easy", even though it might be very good quality or a good introduction to the topic. To give...