Markus Lerner
Markus Lerner
Please try using version v.1.3.0 and let me know, if the problem still persists.
@johnwwk what error message are you getting while installing 1.3.0?
@leosantacruz, can you please paste the error message you are getting here?
Hi @Christoph-Koehler, thank you for your comment. What build environment are you using?
Thank you @Christoph-Koehler, I will look into it.
Dear @Christoph-Koehler, sorry for my late reply. I managed to look into it only now. I tested it with my demo code (see readme) and it works fine for me....
Hi @CodyJasonBennett, thank you for pointing this out. I added the main target, so that automatically resolves to the latest version of the package. Would it work, if I...
Hi @CodyJasonBennett, it looks like it's a bit more tricky and I should maybe rather go down this path: Would do you think?
Thank you, @CodyJasonBennett. I removed the main key for now and published [Release 1.4.0]( If it turns out a CJS version is necessary, I will try to build that one...
Hi @simsuniy, thank you for pointing this out. The main reason why update() is called before render is that even if the pointer hasn't been moved or clicked, elements in...