Mark Tyers
Mark Tyers
Writing a trivial module and async test but getting an error 'done is not defined'. ``` // weather.js exports.get = function(city, callback) { callback(city); }; ``` ``` // weather-spec.js var...
Simple example: ```javascript import puppeteer from '[email protected]/mod.ts' const args = [`--window-size=${800},${600 + 74}`] const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true, slowMo: 50, args }) const page = await browser.newPage() await...
The server I use employs MQTTS and uses a certificate file. When I connect using `mosquitto_sub` I include the `--cafile` flag and pass my certificate file. Is this functionality supported...
Will you be able to offer CouchDB support please?
When an iOS app launches either on the phone or simulator it throws the error: I saved the `index.ios.js` file as iBeacon.js ```javascript import React, { Component } from 'react'...
Is there a timescale for Handlebars supporting ES6 modules? This would allow it to be imported into JS modules without needing to add it to the html page head as...