I can confirm this works on some Android 10/11 but not others. For example, this stopped working recently on one of my test devices (a P30 pro) for 2 of...
This problem went away for me eventually so I am not sure if Solar changed, Windows updated or nVidia updated.
I'm using windows 10 version 2004 (os build 19041.572) and nvidia version 456.71
> I'm mostly interested in if you upgraded Solar2D in the time between having the problem and not having it anymore. Of course, I've updated with each new build. I...
6 months later and nothing has been done here? @Shchvova any input?
In the end I went to a sorted insert system. I now binary search the display group to decide where to insert new objects. It was a pain but in...
I figured that much. But, it is very misleading. Adding thousands of the same object "seems" to be quite cheap but actually it is very costly! I am sure it...
This works fine ``` local tabView = widget.newTableView( { left = display.safeScreenOriginX, top = display.safeScreenOriginY, width = display.safeActualContentWidth, height = display.safeActualContentHeight, onRowRender = onRowRender, } ) ```
This a a bug report for vlad. Inserting a nil graphic should NOT crash (framework is missing a nil check). The crash is happening in the framework so uhandledError will...
So give me the simple answer.... Is this in Solar already or does it need implementation?