Results 10 issues of Mark Graham

Code for reading Zeiss' obfuscated dicom format is available here: I can implement but don't have any zeiss dicom data to test on - if anyone has any to...

help wanted

As discussed in the core meeting, [MONAI Generative]( is going to be integrated into the core MONAI repository. The plan is to do this in stages: 1. Port the main...

Feature request

Documenting the roadmap here, feel free to pick up any issues or suggest more: ### Easy first issues - [x] Add type hints throughout. [This reader]( has an example. Types...

good first issue

After merging MONAI Generative into core [issue]( some refactoring is needed to reduce repeat code, see discussion [here]( Until this is done any blocks from Generative that are likely to...


While we are mid-port of MONAI Generative into MONAI Core, the Generative repo is active and people are still making bugfixes/PRs. This issue is to keep track of any fixes...


Part of #7227 . ### Description A few sentences describing the changes proposed in this pull request. ### Types of changes - [x] Non-breaking change (fix or new feature that...

Part of #7227 . ### Description A few sentences describing the changes proposed in this pull request. ### Types of changes - [x] Non-breaking change (fix or new feature that...

Part of #7227 . ### Description Tidies up some of controlnet A few sentences describing the changes proposed in this pull request. ### Types of changes - [x] Non-breaking change...

Now that concat-based conditioning is supported in the infereres we should update tutorials to use the new infererers. AFAIK it is these two tutorials: