Hi Michel, if you consider adding strikethrough I can send you a pull request for it. We have a working implementation for `~~strikethrough~~` at [yellow-markdown](
+1 like. It would be handy for content writers.
I'm suggesting the following URL detection pattern. ``` function doAutoLinks($text) { ... $text = preg_replace_callback("/((http|https|ftp):\/\/\S+[^\'\"\,\.\;\:\s]+)/", array(&$this, "_doAutoLinks_url_callback"), $text); $text = preg_replace_callback("/([\w\-\.]+@[\w\-\.]+\.[\w]{2,4})/", array(&$this, "_doAutoLinks_email_callback"), $text); return $text; } ``` [Here are...
I tried both files and couldn't reproduce the error on Linux + Mac. Here's the setup I used: Apache 2.2, PHP 5.3 + 5.4, PHP Markdown 1.4.0.
+1 like. ID/class for the whole table would be nice, to format layout via CSS.
We don't use `no_entities = true` anymore, no encoding problems without it.
The right margin syntax worked for inline elements. The kramdown syntax looks nice for block level elements, it allows an attribute directly before **or** after the block-level element. There has...
Something I would like to solve are multi column page layouts. For non-technical users it's hard to wrap stuff in `` HTML-code. Maybe there's a good way for telling Markdown...
Similar was suggested in michelf/php-markdown#191
How about moving documentation out of `src` directory but keeping it in the repository? Converting documentation into Markdown format sound like a good idea. What do the maintainers think? Let...