
Results 12 comments of 邱承

Thank you for your response. Tried that, the environment variables are set now, but the pod is not ready now. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1124637/180160012-ed520226-1eca-43d9-972c-5d804fa1fccc.png) Error logs: ``` internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0xc00131c200, 0xc001214000, 0x0) /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x32 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(...)...

It works now. I solved the probelm by adding "local" to the noProxy variable. Thanks again! @jrockway

Sorry, wrong again. The console cannot be accessed now, and the error message in the log is as follows. It should be necessary to add some noProxys. My values.yaml is...

It works! Now the UI is OK and the downloading of the images is works. But the console is still not very stable. It restarted occasionally. I have to restart...

Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks

A merge request like this is exactly what I need, or I am also willing to submit an MR like this.

I have the same problem too. HTTP ERROR 403 kubectl logs pod/authservice-0 -n istio-system: ``` time="2022-03-08T04:47:29Z" level=error msg="Failed to exchange authorization code with token: context canceled" ip= request="/login/oidc?code=vda6a7hh3boctggjljz47cdxp&state=MTY0NjcxNDgzMHxFd3dBRUVvM04yRllOM1JNUmtvNE5IRlpWVFk9fOsgmd3fWWYHG84r-BYlUA8jfLDx-S96ulgtziq8l715" ```

Wouldn't it be better if you could explain how to add new components so that more people can contribute new controls themselves?

I installed the latest version, and get this error: no matches for kind "StoragePool" in version "openebs.io/v1alpha1"

我也在研究做desktop application的方案