Mark Nguyen
Mark Nguyen
Does anyone help me?
me too, and i inserted with code here ``` APIResource resource = new APIResource("xxxxxxx"); System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; ``` and its workerd
> try this: > > ``` > additionalScrapeConfigs: > - job_name: postgres-exporter > metrics_path: /pgmaster > static_configs: > - targets: [''] > ``` still got errors
I'm also trying to send transaction as @woniesong92 my code here ``` key = priv: privateKey gas_limit = 200000 gas_price = $web3.eth.gasPrice().to_i(16) nonce = $web3.eth.getTransactionCount([key.address, 'pending']).to_i(16) tx ={...
i've resolved with code below ``` result = $web3.eth.sendRawTransaction([tx.hex]) ``` @jlstr i think data is not require
@jlstr I'm also problems as you with methods of constract instance
@jlstr I found the cause of the error, Abi must be formatted string instead of array ex Abi = [] format to => Abi = '[]'
@jlstr as you, i don't know how to calling contract methods. When call contract method alway get error `Function transfer is not constant: transfer, requires to sign transaction` i found...
@jlstr thanks you. I have read the link that you submitted ([ABI Spec]( but don't know how to create data_hash. Can you just me how to generate param hex? `00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000045...