Mark Schreiber

Results 51 comments of Mark Schreiber

I agree, each context should have it's own APIGateway wes endpoint and it's own WES Adapter and that WES Adapter should not return information for runs that are not part...

The instance size is chosen by AWS Batch based on the CPU and RAM requested in the job definition. It would be reasonable to be allowed to specify the CPU...

@mlin can you comment on what the expected behavior is?

@mlin, @patmagee - I'm wondering if this request can be moved to the miniwdl or miniwdl-aws-ext project as I think it will require a change there rather than in AGC....

On the CDK side we would need to change `packages/cdk/lib/constructs/api-proxy.ts` line 61 to: `endpointTypes: [EndpointType.PRIVATE],` It would technically be possible to have a private and regional gateway although then you...

ARM based instances for workflow "worker nodes" could be done in theory. The containers used for workflow runs would need to be based on ARM (rather than X68_64). The images...

Hi Marlin, currently the containers used by AGC are only distributed to the `aws` partition. We don't yet support additional partitions such as `aws-cn` or `aws-us-gov`. One work around would...

Seems reasonable. To retain backward compatibility we would probably retain `--awsProfile` and call the same logic from `--profile`. We use [Cobra]( for command line parsing which in turn uses PFlag...

I think we originally intended AGC to have profiles hence the distinct name but that is no longer a requirement.