
Results 5 issues of markfortner

Is there a way to highlight a feature on a model in NGL Viewer? For example, if you have a series of sequence annotations, and you want to click on...

I was wondering if there were any plans for a web component wrapper? It would make it easier to integrate into a web page, bind to data models, and respond...

Currently, whenever you configure this extension, it only allows you to configure a single subtree of firestore for export. In my case, we have multiple subtrees that need to be...

type: feature request
extension: firestore-bigquery-export

It would be good if there was a checkbox that allowed the user to indicate that they want the system to export the existing subtree from firestore. This would initialise...

type: feature request

A few years ago there was a [paper]( on the CDK-Taverna project which discussed the availability of a Reaction Enumerator. I tracked down the code for this at SourceForge. The...